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Jessica Wright

Digital Marketing and HubSpot Consultant

I'm a skilled digital marketer with 18 years of experience in sales and marketing.  My career path hasn't been linear, but I've gathered valuable experience in everything I have done.  My diverse background has provided a well-rounded view of business, business processes, and methods of achieving success.  I am passionate about HubSpot and love helping people achieve their sales and marketing goals.

My HubSpot and marketing experience spans various industries, including HR, financial and professional services.  I have worked with HubSpot as a direct client and as director of operations and client delivery at a Platinum Solutions Partner agency.  My experience at the agency was with clients using the Pro/Enterprise HubSpot Suite.  I delivered client projects using Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, Operations Hub, and the CMS.  I am confident in my abilities to deliver across the HubSpot platform.

My marketing skill set spans creative and marketing operations projects.  I can dive into the nitty gritty to identify trends within your CRM, sales, and marketing data and lead creative strategy for digital marketing projects.  I love setting up workflows and having fun creating a lead-generating landing page.  I can write copy but also set up conversion path reporting.  I love all things marketing, and the magic of HubSpot brings it all together. 

If you want the long story: 

I started my professional career as a hairstylist at age 19 and quickly decided that I wanted something more.  I usually leave this out when asked about myself, but as I set out on this new adventure, I realized how important it is to my entire journey thus far.  I worked as a hairstylist while I got my marketing degree from the University of Iowa.  During that time, I learned so many valuable things about running a business, sales, marketing, customer service, and so much more.  I loved the fast pace of working while learning everything I could about business and marketing.  My favorite part about this time in my life was all the time I spent meeting and connecting with people. I made lifelong friends that started as fellow students, clients, and coworkers.

After graduating with my marketing degree, I decided to quit my career as a hairstylist and take a leap.  I had my mind set on a career in marketing.

This chapter of my career started at Wells Fargo, a major employer in Des Moines, Iowa.  This was not all I had dreamed of, but it was a place to start.  While at Wells Fargo, I learned so much more than I realized, and looking back now, I wish I could tell myself how crucial the skills I learned there would be to my future success.  At Wells Fargo, I worked as an analyst in the Home Mortgage Investor Claims division, learning data analytics, database management, meticulous research skills, and a boatload about business.

After a few years, I realized I needed to make a change.  I enjoyed working with the people at Wells Fargo and the endless opportunity available at such a big organization, but I missed being creative and helping people. And most of all, my goal was still to work in marketing, so I needed to take another leap.

At this point, I needed to start working on the skills I knew marketing hiring managers would be looking for, so I decided to take a chance on sales.  This decision eventually landed me at Meredith, working on a small brand they had recently acquired called  Meredith was my dream company, and while the role itself wasn't exactly a perfect fit, Meredith was it.

Meredith was a major print and digital media company based in Des Moines, Iowa.  As a millennial, I've been told it's unusual to love print magazines, but I have always loved flipping the pages and getting inspiration from content, ads, and design.  I knew this was my in. All I had to do was work hard in my sales role and learn everything I could about media, marketing, and whatever was. 

I loved working at Meredith and learned so much about digital and print media, but life had other plans.  My small team got laid off one week after my then-boyfriend (now husband) decided to take a job in St Louis, Missouri.  I took it as a sign.  So once again, I needed to take a leap.  I was excited and looking forward to what was next, personally and professionally.

My goal was to land a marketing role, but I found a great position as an account manager for Impact Group, a career coaching company based in St. Louis.  I loved their mission, and I excelled as an account manager.  I loved my team and once again met lifelong friends, people who cared about what they were doing.  I worked hard to strengthen my skills in data analytics, communication, relationship building, and process alignment.

It was here that I convinced the marketing director to take a chance on me, and I will be forever grateful that she did.  I finally achieved the goal of a position on the marketing team.  I am going to be honest; I didn't know at the time what a marketing communications manager did, but I knew I would work hard to learn everything I could about everything I could.

I loved this role.  I leveraged everything I had learned about business, sales, marketing, customer service, and communication to thrive in this role.  I was able to work on creative projects and dive deep into data for reporting trends.  I learned so much and finally felt like I was where I was supposed to be.  But again, life had other plans.  At the beginning of 2020, I went out on maternity leave, and then, as everyone knows, Covid-19 hit.

I again found myself laid off, but this time not so excited to take a leap.  The pandemic was in full force, I was a new mom, and I was crushed to lose the job I finally felt was right.  But when one door closes, another door opens.  At Impact Group, we used HubSpot, and HubSpot was one of the best companies I had encountered.  I loved everything about their products, brand, and energy. 

So I took a leap and decided to work at a partner agency.  This was a significant leap. I was going to be the first full-time employee.  But I decided to take a chance based on the introduction from a shared connection and my love for all things HubSpot and marketing.  I was excited to help build the business. 

Reflecting on my time at the agency, this is when I learned and grew the most in my career.  I surprised myself by taking on a broad spectrum of projects and deliverables.  I met many wonderful people and worked on many fun projects across the revenue operations spectrum.  I took a deep dive into HubSpot and loved every minute of learning and helping clients get the most out of HubSpot and deliver on their sales and marketing goals.

But as I have learned, life has a funny way of nudging me in new directions.  So here I am, taking another leap.  I don't know where this new adventure will take me.  And if you are still reading this (I’m surprised) and considering working with me, be careful. We may become lifelong friends (but if not, that's ok too).

I have a passion for all things marketing, HubSpot, and leaving a positive impact on everything I touch.  I love learning and am grateful for every opportunity I am given.  I genuinely care about everything I work on, everyone I work with, and moving your business forward. 


Jessica Wright

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